31 Weeks!

Officially 31 weeks today! 9 weeks more or less and my bouncing baby boy will be in my arms God-willing.
I finally had the will to fix my baby’s closet and stuff. I removed the price tags, arranged them in the drawers, so they will be all ready for laundry — not now — but maybe by mid-April. I re-listed what’s left of my to-buy list, too, and reduced it to toiletries and beddings as urgent needs.I’m actually imagining how my bundle of joy will fit into the clothes we bought, how I’d use the washcloths, yada, yada…I guess you can pretty much sense my excitement. It hasn’t really sank in, but everyday is a day closer to seeing our first-born, and everyday I’m inching towards motherhood!
Anxious? Yes. No mom, nor in-laws beside me to help me take care of a newborn. I, with zero experience, will have to trust my mother instincts and my hubby, my only support system for the time being. It sucks to live abroad, far from everyone who could shower you all the help you will need in your D-day. But of course, there’s my generous mommy friends who are always ready to dish-out advices, and mom will always be a phone call away.
Anyway, here are the baby stuffs spread out in our bed…31 Weeks!And here’s one pic where I somewhat based how I’ve reduced my to-buy list. Not exactly followed to the dot but as far as PRACTICALITY is concerned, this is the thang! 😉

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